Agile Training

Ask the Team!


Got this in an email marketing blast from Adam Weisbart this morning: "When I was just getting my start as a new Scrum Master (“Master” is a weird word to use when someone is just starting something, isn’t it?), I had a HUGE problem. Half my team wasn’t showing up for their daily [...]

Ask the Team!2020-06-23T23:09:16-04:00

Agile in Education


I look back to my almost 20 years of working since I graduated university, I think about some of the great things that lead me to where I am now.  Two things stand out: the first, graduating from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Education.  The second; walking into my very first Agile [...]

Agile in Education2020-06-23T23:10:15-04:00
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